(Capt. J. H. (Cass) Forrington is the Managing Editor and Special Guest Editor for Time Dilation Cosmology for Vol. #27 of the Journal of Cosmology)

General Relativity & the Evolution of Events: Time Dilation Cosmology Explanations for All Gravitationally Induced Velocities and the Hubble Shift

The James Webb telescope discovery of galaxies CEERS-93316, z = 16.7, and GLASSz-13, z = 13.0, is proof of the validity of this model of the universe, as is LIGO’S Sept. 14, 2015 detection of a "gravity wave", and a proof of the nature of the evolving continuum is IBEX failing to find a shock wave at the edge of the heliopause as expected, because the heliosphere is not "moving through space", but is evolving through the continuum. This is reaffirmed by the "dead zone" discovered by Voyager 1 .

Download and view patterns indicate this model, as of the publication of the 3rd paper on 22 March 2024, is now being taught in over 6 universites worldwide and collectively the papers have been viewed by astrophysicists/quantum physicists thousands of times.

1. Capt. Joseph H. (Cass) Forrington, General Relativity: Effects in Time as Causation,

This paper is a major expansion of the original version first published as #21 in Vol. 26, on 29 July 2019. It now contains the time dilation formulas, where To = the time dilation factor, for Planetary/Moon, $$ V = {c \sqrt{1-To}}.$$ and Galactic rotation, $$ V = {c \sqrt{1-To} \over \sqrt{3}}.$$ velocities, and the Vis-Viva formula, which means the paper provides the time dilation formulas for all gravitationally induced velocities in the universe. Other formulas are for the force in time in Newtons, the mass inside a stellar circle, the Hamiltonian, and more, showing the direct relationship between time dilation and velocity, with no need of the Gravitational constant, G. The galactic and planetary orbital velocities are explained mathematically through a proper application of time dilation within the continuum, rather than Newtonian physics in space, demonstrating that these velocities are merely compensation for the slower rates of time in masses in a continuum evolving forward overall at c.

The origin of spacetime is explained. This is a new continuum-based model based on time dilation that eliminates LamdaCDM; Dark Energy and CDM.

A second paper by Capt. Forrington, Time Dilation Cosmology, was published in the Journal of Modern Physics on 29 May 2023. As (1-To) = the difference in the rate of time, dRt, between the far distant observer outside all gravitational fields and the coordinate point, that paper further reduces the formulas to terms of the dRt and contains solutions using those formulas and other additional formulas. New concepts are also introduced regarding spiral galaxy formation and other topics.

A third paper by Capt. Forrington, Time Dilation Cosmology 2, was published in the Journal of Modern Physics on 22 March 2024.

This paper is a further elaboration of the author's Time Dilation Cosmology (TDC) holographic model that ties gravitation and celestial mechanics and kinematics directly to time dilation, resolving all the major conundrums in astrophysics, and ties astrophysics directly to quantum physics. It begins with a brief summary of the TDC model and contains the new derivation for the time dilation version of the formula for summing relativistic velocities, Einstein's gravitational constant and the time dilation versions for the Lorentz factor and the Euclidean norm of the 3d velocity vector, the two of which can then be used in the Four-velocity formula. It is demonstrated how orbital curvature is manifested as the resultant of two time dilation-manifested velocities. It also explains why an interferometer cannot distinguish free fall from zero gravity and further elaborates on the author's previous explanations of how spiral galaxies are formed, and contains mathematical proof that Black Holes are actually Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECOs) that are massless spacetime vortices.

A fourth paper by Capt. Forrington, The Unified Field, was published in the Journal of Modern Physics on 27 June 2024.

This is a Unified Field description based on the holographic Time Dilation Cosmology, TDC, model, which is an eternal continuum evolving forward in the forward direction of time, at the speed of light, c, at an invariant 1 s/s rate of time. This is the Fundamental Direction of Evolution, FDE. There is also an evolution down time dilation gradients, the Gravitational Direction of Evolution, GDE. These evolutions are gravity, which is the evolutionary force in time.. Gravitational velocities are compensation for the difference in the rate of time, dRt, in a dilation field, and the ?dRt is equal to the compensatory velocity's percentage of c, and is a measure of the force in time inducing the velocity. In applied force induced velocities, the dRt is a measure of the resistance in time to the induced velocity, which might be called "anti-gravity" or "negative gravity". The two effects keep the continuum uniformly evolving forward at c. It is demonstrated that gravity is already a part of the electromagnetic field equations in way of the dRt element contained in the TDC velocity formula. Einstein's energy formula is defined as a velocity formula and a modified version is used for charged elementary particle solutions. A time dilation-based derivation of the Lorentz force ties gravity directly to the electromagnetic field proving the unified field of gravity and the EMF. It is noted how we could possibly create gravity drives. This is followed by a discussion of black holes, proving supermassive objects, like massive black hole singularities, are impossible, and that black holes are massless Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECOs) that are vortices in spacetime.

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This is a brief summary of the paper:

By deriving the Hubble constant as a 2.2686*10-18 acceleration in the rate of proper time, rather than as an acceleration through space (or as due to an expansion of space), and adding that acceleration to the time elements of Einstein's Tensor, we complete General Relativity, eliminating Big Bangs and Crunches, infinite expansions (accelerating or not) and "Dark Energy". The acceleration manifests a time dilation gradient looking outward so older frames are also slower frames until a 1 s/s difference is reached, a "Limit of Relativity", at the cosmological horizon, where time appears to stop, the same effect we would see with a recessional velocity of c, which a Hubble constant of 70 Mps/sec indicates occurs at ~13.9+ Gly, just beyond the currently accepted Cosmological Horizon at ~13.8 Gly.

Looking inward into the galaxies, we see another 1 s/s Limit of Relativity at the event horizons of the MECOs at the centers of the galaxies, where time also appears to stop. This gives us an eternal spacetime (quantum) continuum evolving between two apparent Limits of Relativity, and, if we accept the 1 s/s Limit of Relativity as establishing the boundaries of our universe in all directions, and as the center of a MECO is empty space, the center of each MECO at the center of each galaxy is a branching of the universe into an infinity of other universes as the older frames at the cosmological horizon fade away.

Time evolves space (and the events therein) forward. This makes time the fundamental force of the universe. This is the evolution of space in situ in the forward direction of time, not a forward evolution in space. This is the Fundamental Direction of Evolution (FDE). When a time dilation gradient is introduced, we also see an evolution of events down the gradient, because to the outside observer the next instant manifests first in the faster frames. This is the Gravitational Direction of Evolution (GDE). This is why gravity only has one direction and why it overpowers the other forces so easily even though it appears to be so weak: it is an irresistible evolutionary force in time. The apparent curvature of motion of distant objects we observe from our inertial frames as the continuum evolves forward is a resultant of these two directions of evolution. General Relativity describes how that evolution appears to an inertial observer due to the Lorentz transformations in a spherical dilation pit and under other, but not all, circumstances.

It is shown how this gravitational evolution manifests kinetic energy which is translated into pressure and thermal energy at the focus of a spherical time dilation pit.

Galactic rotation velocities are explained by applying this view of the evolving spacetime continuum, eliminating "Dark Matter". Imagine a cloud galaxy with nearly uniformly sized and spaced stars. We observe it to evolve forward over time with very little change occurring. If we then introduce a significantly larger body, we see the nearby stars begin to circulate around the more massive body. The smaller stars now also appear to have a velocity "through space" relative to the central body. This is because the central body has a slower rate of time than the smaller bodies, so the smaller bodies are evolving forward over time faster than the central body. As time has no depth, they cannot evolve "forward" in space, and since they also appear to evolve down the central body's dilation gradient, we see the apparent circular motion. This is not bodies moving "through space". This is the apparent motions created within the evolving continuum, which has no actual depth.

The origin of spacetime is explained, which allows for the explanation provided for non-locality.

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Capt. Cass



Capt. J. H. (Cass) Forrington
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